Math Wheels for Note-taking?

Math Centers in Middle School


Making Math Stations Work in 40-Minute Class Periods

I taught elementary school for 12 years and I loved my math centers (or math stations, as you might call them)! They were great. They provided my students with focused practice time for the skills we had learned.  When I moved to middle school I wanted that same thing for my students.  But I found myself asking “Can I have math centers in middle school?” Keep reading to find out how I made it happen.

Math class was always an hour, and we had five computers in the classroom, so having a computer center was always an option.

Then I moved to middle school. Math class was 44 minutes (minus time for switching classes… more like 40 minutes). How could I fit more than two math station rotations in a 40-minute period?? 

I longed for block scheduling (our district has never had it)…that would make it so much easier to complete math center rotations!

For the first year or two of middle school, I kind of gave up on the idea of math centers…the activities I wanted students to complete took longer than 20 minutes. So, the class period would be enough time to finish two math station rotations, IF students started the second they walked in the door and then had no time to clean up/organize at the end of class.

But eventually I needed to get my math centers back, so I experimented with a few different set-ups. After a little trial and error I landed on a structure that works and makes math centers in middle school work.

Math Center Structure

I willingly admit that I have not found a perfect solution….40 minutes is just too short a time-period for math class!

However, I’ve figured out what works for me, and maybe it can work for you too, if you also have short math classes.  It might not be perfect but there are so many benefits to having math centers in middle school math classes.  So here’s the solution I use.

My math centers are:

  • One center per day
  • 30 minutes a day
  • For 3-4 days, depending on the topic

Assigning Math Center Groups and Tasks

There are many ways to group students and assign tasks, but these are the grouping/activity options I normally stick to:
1) When we only do three days, I create six groups and prepare two sets of materials for some tasks.

  • Students will all complete three tasks over the course of the three days, but they might not all complete the same three…it depends on the topic, their needs, and my goals.
  • The image below has two different examples of how I might assign the tasks.

2) When we do four days, I create four to six groups (if my class size is the usual 27-30).

  • If I have only four groups, I usually assign them each a different task and then rotate through those tasks over the four days.
  • If I have five or six groups, then I’ll have two groups complete the same task on the same day, similar to the three-day example.
sample of math centers structure

Fast Finishers During Math Centers

My math students are not ability-grouped, so they finish activities at various times.

  • I decided that I have to be ok with some students/groups finishing early and others not finishing (or finishing during a free, non-math period).
  • Doing one math center a day, for about 30 minutes allows for some flexibility here.

If group members finish early, they can do the following:

1) Finish another center activity, if they had something unfinished.  

2) Complete a math color by number from our “finished early” resource bin.

3) Answer the math trivia cards – a set that isn’t one of the center activities. (click here to grab this free resource!)

math trivia cards

4) Use the pentominoes that we use on the first day of math class – there are always students who want to complete this challenge!

5) Use a technology source for additional math practice, if extra computers are available.

Before Using Math Centers in Middle School

Just like when I was in an elementary classroom, before we start using math centers in middle school, I make sure students have a complete understanding of expected behavior AND of the activities they’ll be completing.

  • We complete the different activities together with different concepts at the beginning of the year, and then I use those activities in the centers, using some of the same ones each time.
ideas for middle school math stations

Six Activities for Math Centers in Middle School

The math center activities I typically use are:

1) Footloose task cards:
Students are up and around the room for this, so I typically assign only one or two groups per day. (I’ve added a bunch of Google Slides versions of these for more options:-) Read more about Footloose activities here.

footloose math task cards

2) Math Truth or Dare Game
(with paper and pencil):
This version is a group game, so I only assign one group per day, for less “noise” in the room. They have to talk, and they definitely have fun with this one! 

OR Google Truth or Dare:
I created digital versions of these math games. This allows two different groups to complete the same activity, but one group can use whatever technology we have available.

math truth or dare game

I have these on a website now too = more options!

3) Color by Number:
This is a quiet activity that provides some self-checking practice. Students can also check answers with their group members if they’d like.

  • (Students often don’t finish the coloring during the center time, so I have them complete all the problems first and then color….they can come back to the coloring if they finish an activity early on another day.)
color by number math center
  • I’ve added digital versions of these….great for students who are absent and easy to use the activity with two different center groups.

4) Math Doodle Wheels:
I use this as a teacher-guided center sometimes, but I can also use the wheels as an independent center for review – students can copy the notes and complete the practice on their own.

  • Coloring is similar to color by number – that part is last and they can return to it later.
centers doodle math wheels
  • These math wheels get added to students’ binders to keep for the year, so they can finish coloring any time they finish something early.
  • Learn more about this note-taking method in this post.
math problem solving

5) Problem Solving
I make this a collaborative center (I love when students have math conversations!), but it could also be independent work. 

6) Math Trivia Cards:
This is a fun activity to practice more general knowledge, with less calculation involved.

  • Students can just quiz each other and share correct answers, or they can record their answers to be checked later. 
  • There are three sets: Numbers and Operations, Geometry, and Algebraic Concepts (link to download them is below.)

As you can see, some of the center rotations require students to work together, while others allow them to work independently.

  • I like to have this mix, so students can share ideas and solving methods but also have time to work with the concepts and skills on their own. 
  • I also like to compare the work they did alone with the work they completed with others:-)

What to Do With Finished Math Center Work

When students complete a center assignment, I have them put that assignment into a specific tray in my classroom.

  • I go through the trays at the end of each day and use my checklist to record who has handed in their work.
  • I do grade all of the math center activities….sometimes it takes me quite a while!!

Activity Sets for Math Centers in Middle School

I have sets of 4-5 math center activities for each of the topics below, so these are the ones I use/have used. However, I don’t use all of them every year…because, time! 

I pick and choose based on student needs, time of year, etc. 

To check out the center activities, click the images below.

(I have 2-3 activities for many other topics, but won’t bundle those until I have 4-5.)

Have fun with your math centers in middle school!  They can change the look and feel of your classroom AND change how your students feel about math.

math centers in middle school

Save these Tips and Ideas About Using Math Centers in Middle School

Remember to save this post to your favorite math or teacher Pinterest board for when you need ideas about using math centers.


Welcome to Cognitive Cardio Math! I’m Ellie, a wife, mom, grandma, and dog ‘mom,’ and I’ve spent just about my whole life in school! With nearly 30 years in education, I’ve taught:

  • All subject areas in 4th and 5th grades
  • Math, ELA, and science in 6th grade (middle school)

I’ve been creating resources for teachers since 2012 and have worked in the elearning industry for about five years as well!

If you’re looking for ideas and resources to help you teach math (and a little ELA), I can help you out!



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truth or dare math games
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Engage students in taking math notes with this FREE Fraction Operations wheel and 3 wheel templates!