Math Wheels for Note-taking?

Using Doodle Wheel Graphic Organizers for Math and ELA


Note-Taking in Upper Elementary and Middle School

How much do your math and ELA students love taking notes?! I’m guessing it is not their favorite thing. What if you could change that? Now you can with engaging graphic organizers for math and ELA.  These magical note-taking graphic organizers are interactive and guide students to practical and useful notes.  Keep reading to find out more.

I used to use fold it ups (or foldables) quite often in both math and language arts. However, my middle school classes were always 40ish minutes long and often, no matter how prepared I was, creating the fold it up just ate up too much of the class time. 

Using Fold it Ups for Taking Math and ELA Notes

When we used fold it ups like the free Ratios Fold It Up pictured, sometimes there wasn’t enough time to add the notes before math or language arts classes was over.


And the fold it ups were kind of hard to keep organized. 

  • We tried using folders and envelopes, and in my last years of using them, I tried using a bound book of fold it ups.
  • I took all my math fold it ups and organized them in the order we’d use them during the school year, added some blank pages in between them, and had them bound as a book for each math student. Then all the fold it ups stayed in the book.
  • Some remained attached on their original page because they were never totally cut out; some were glued or taped onto the blank pages.
  • This method of organizing the notes was the one that worked best for my math students.

I never did that with ELA…because I stopped teaching that class before I had this idea, lol.

But then, I started making math wheels….

Math Wheels for Taking Notes

My new favorite note-taking method for middle school became the doodle wheel graphic organizers for math and ELA. I love these wheels for note-taking, for so many reasons!

Graphic organizers for math, like this doodle wheel for teaching Slope, will help your students take better notes and give them a tool they can use later.

Benefits of Using Doodle Wheels as Note Taking Graphic Organizers for Math and ELA

1) All the notes on these doodle wheels are on one surface/one side of a page:

  • No folding or unfolding to add info…and then again to find the info
Make note taking engaging and useful for your students with these doodle wheel graphic organizers for math

2) The graphic organizers for math and language arts are engaging! 

  • Students add their notes to the labeled sections, using various colors, which is great for color-coding their math or language arts concepts.
  • Students can add their own doodles or images to connect the learning to their own background knowledge; this is a fantastic way for students to get a little creative in math (or ELA) class.
  • Students can color the headings, doodle arrows, and images that are included in the wheel sections.
3) The wheels have a patterned background that typically includes some practice problems, so students have their notes and practice examples all on one page.
  • This is super helpful when they need a refresher later in the year…..they can look at the notes and the problems they solved.
4) It’s SO easy to store these graphic organizers!
  • Math and ELA wheels can easily be stored in a folder or envelope.
  • Or, they can be hole-punched and kept conveniently in a binder.
  • If you use a type of interactive notebook, they can be added to that.
  • And then students can reference these notes ALL YEAR!
 5) Students get to color the background, so they get that little added coloring benefit as part of their day:-) 
  • They may choose to color in a way that helps them remember or focus on a particular aspect of the content. 
  • This is another opportunity to be creative in math class, while using color and coloring to help them learn.

More Graphic Organizers for Math and ELA

Have you tried math or ELA doodle wheels for taking notes? If not, I hope you will! There are several free ones here on the blog:
Rounding Decimals Wheel
Fraction, Decimal, Percent Wheel
Percent of Number Wheel

You can access all my doodle wheel graphic organizers for Math and ELA on TPT:
Math Wheels
ELA Wheels

Happy note-taking!


Welcome to Cognitive Cardio Math! I’m Ellie, a wife, mom, grandma, and dog ‘mom,’ and I’ve spent just about my whole life in school! With nearly 30 years in education, I’ve taught:

  • All subject areas in 4th and 5th grades
  • Math, ELA, and science in 6th grade (middle school)

I’ve been creating resources for teachers since 2012 and have worked in the elearning industry for about five years as well!

If you’re looking for ideas and resources to help you teach math (and a little ELA), I can help you out!



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Click the image to access the free wheel and wheel templates

Engage students in taking math notes with this FREE Fraction Operations wheel and 3 wheel templates!