Math Wheels for Note-taking?

9 Quick and Easy Valentine’s Day Math Activities


Do you need a few engaging and easy-prep Valentine’s Day math activities?

I’ve got 9 ideas for you!

I don’t usually do holiday activities unless I can relate them to our current math topic, so many of the ideas shared here are content-specific.

A few of the ideas are also mixed math review or just plain ‘Valentine fun,’ so there are options here for everyone!

Content-Specific Valentine Math Activities

The following Valentine’s Day math activities are content-specific ideas, covering concepts like: equations; fractions; GCF & LCM; divisibility; fraction, decimal, percent conversions; proportions; and equivalent expressions.

1) This set of Valentine-themed challenge equations from Math Giraffe offers a fun approach to algebra and problem solving skill-building.

Three levels are included:

  • 4 basic (easy) cards that can be used before or during middle school grades for critical thinking
  • 4 medium level cards that are perfect for middle school or high school students
  • 4 difficult cards that offer a challenge, even for high schoolers

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2) This fun Valentine-themed fraction color by number focuses on mixed numbers and improper fractions.

With one print and one digital version, these 20 questions have students:

  • Convert improper fractions (fractions greater than one) to mixed numbers
  • Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions
  • Compare improper fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators
  • Simplify fractions to lowest terms

3) There are so many math skills to choose from in this bundle of Valentine’s math practice from The Colorado Classroom!

  • GCF
  • LCM
  • Divisibility 
  • All the fraction operations
  • All the decimal operations
  • 32 problems per sheet

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Click HERE to see on TPT

4) This Valentine’s Day math activity addresses solving proportions.

  • Students solve 15 proportions and color the heart design according to the solutions.
  • This math activity includes a choice of two different sets of proportions problems. 

5) This Equivalent Expressions Valentine Math color by number has one print and one digital version.

In this activity, students answer 20 questions that ask them to:

  • Factor simple expressions to find equivalent expressions
  • Use the distributive property to create equivalent expressions
  • Combine like terms 

Click HERE to see on TPT

6) This fraction, decimal, percent color by number has 3 print versions, including a Valentine-themed one! 

Each version has 20 questions that require students to convert from one form to another.

  • Two of the print versions have the same questions and the 3rd has different (but similar) questions 
  • There’s a digital version too, which students love! They use the ‘fill color’ bucket to choose the color shades to complete the pattern.

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Mixed Review and Valentine Fun

The next few Valentine’s Day activities include mixed review, create your own color by number, and Valentine coloring pages.

7) The print-and-go Valentine math review is a set of mixed review math activities. These will fit perfectly into your Valentine’s Day math classes!

This no-prep Valentine’s math review includes 3 resources plus coloring sheets:

  • Color by Number: 20 problems
  • Maze: 15 problems
  • Mystery Graphing: 60 points to plot, in all four quadrants
  • 2 blank coloring sheets
valentine's day math activities

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8) With this Create Your Own Valentine coloring activity, you can use any math concept you want! 

This is an editable PowerPoint file that allows you to type your questions and answer choices into the editable pages.

  • OR, you can handwrite them if you choose to use the non-editable pages that are also provided.

9) This Valentine’s Day coloring has 4 ‘mystery coloring’ pages that reveal Valentine words as the coloring is completed.

This one doesn’t include math content but is great for some fun coloring time:-)

valentine mystery coloring

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Good luck with your Valentine math days! If you’re looking for other winter activities or mixed math practice, check out:

Six Quick and Easy Winter Activities for Middle School Math

Five Reasons to Use Mixed Math Practice

Free Math Resource Center here on the site. There’s at least one free Valentine-themed color by number in there!


Welcome to Cognitive Cardio Math! I’m Ellie, a wife, mom, grandma, and dog ‘mom,’ and I’ve spent just about my whole life in school! With nearly 30 years in education, I’ve taught:

  • All subject areas in 4th and 5th grades
  • Math, ELA, and science in 6th grade (middle school)

I’ve been creating resources for teachers since 2012 and have worked in the elearning industry for about five years as well!

If you’re looking for ideas and resources to help you teach math (and a little ELA), I can help you out!



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truth or dare math games
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Engage students in taking math notes with this FREE Fraction Operations wheel and 3 wheel templates!