When it comes to fractions and decimals, I’ve noticed that students’ anxiety levels tend to rise and some of kiddos start feeling overwhelmed. These two concepts can be intimidating on their own, but combining them to work on converting fractions to decimals can create some serious mental roadblocks. That’s why I make sure to break down converting fractions to decimals into manageable chunks. By taking it piece by piece, students gain their footing more quickly and more confidently. Today, I’m sharing with you some of the go-to resources that I’ve used to teach converting fractions to decimals to help ease those fears and boost understanding.
Why is Converting Fractions to Decimals Important to Know?
Converting fractions to decimals is such an important skill for students to master because it pops up in so many real-life situations. Whether they’re working with money, measuring ingredients for a recipe, or even figuring out their score on a test, understanding how to switch between fractions and decimals gives them a solid foundation. It’s not just about getting the right answer on a worksheet, it’s about empowering them to handle everyday math with ease.

It’s important to teach converting fractions to decimals in a way students understand, because it opens the door to many other math concepts. Once our students grasp this skill, they start to see how math is interconnected. For example, when they’re working on percentages or comparing different quantities, knowing how to convert fractions to decimals becomes a game-changer.
Let’s not forget the confidence boost! When students realize they can tackle converting fractions to decimals, it gives them a sense of accomplishment. They start to approach math challenges with a more positive mindset. They know they have the tools to figure things out. That shift in attitude makes all the difference, not just in math class, but in how they approach learning.
Activities to Teach Converting Fraction to Decimals
Now that we’ve talked about why this skill is so important, I want to share some of the resources you can use to teach converting fractions to decimals to your students! These tools can make a world of difference in how they approach this concept. I’m excited to give you a peek into what works in my classroom. Whether you’re looking to reinforce the basics or challenge your students to think deeper, these resources will help you do just that.
Fractions to Decimals Doodle Wheels

One of my favorite resources to use when teaching students how to convert fractions to decimals is my Fractions to Decimals Doodle Wheel. This hands-on tool is perfect for breaking down the concept into visual and manageable pieces. The sections really help students grasp the relationship between fractions and decimals.
You can start off by introducing the wheel to students and explaining how it visually represents fractions as decimals. The wheel has different sections, like tenths and hundredths, that allow you to dive deeper into the place value system. Starting with the tenths section, you can guide students through shading a visual representation of the decimal form. The number line section is especially helpful for making those fraction-to-decimal connections more visual. And. . . the practice problems around the wheel give students the extra reinforcement they need.
One thing I love about this resource is that it’s a tool that can be saved for the whole year. Students can keep their wheels in their notebooks as a reference tool. AND you can use it for both guided instruction and independent practice.
Inside this resource, you will also find different versions of the wheel. One version has pre-filled notes for students who need more support, while the other allows for more interactive learning. This flexibility helps you differentiate instruction.
Decimals to Fractions Color By Number

Another one of the activities I use when I teach converting decimals to fractions is the Converting Decimals to Fractions Color by Number. This resource is such a hit with students. It combines math practice with a creative twist, making learning effective and fun.
Students solve problems that require them to convert decimals into their lowest terms as fractions. Each problem corresponds to a specific color. Once they solve it, students color the designated section of a picture with that color. This gives students immediate feedback and a sense of accomplishment as they see the color pattern emerging.
What I love about this activity is that it appeals to different learning styles. Students who enjoy art and creativity get excited about this type of practice activity. Those more focused on math still enjoy the challenge of solving the problems. It’s a win-win when it comes to student engagement.
Another perk is the flexibility this resource offers. It includes both print and digital versions so I can choose the one that best fits our needs. The digital version, for instance, allows students to use Google Slides to input their answers and fill in the colors. This is perfect for tech-savvy kids or when we need to integrate some technology into our math lessons.
Footloose Math Game to Teach Converting Fractions to Decimals

Tapping into games as a way of engaging students in math practice is a strategy I love to use. Learning how to convert fractions and decimals is no exception! The fun and interactive Footloose Extreme Task Cards are the perfect activity to get your students working on this important skill. This isn’t just your typical set of task cards. It takes things up a notch with an extra twist that keeps students on their toes and excited about math!
Each student gets a Footloose grid and a task card to start, which I usually have laminated for durability. The beauty of this activity is that it combines problem-solving with a bit of movement. This is perfect for keeping everyone focused and energized. Students start by answering the first question on their task cards and writing the answer in the corresponding square on their grid. Each card has a second question that adds a fun challenge, like coloring the square a certain color, drawing a picture, or writing a specific letter based on their answer.
As they work through the cards, they move around the room, picking up new cards as they go. This makes the activity feel more like a game than a typical math exercise. Students absolutely love it. Not only are they practicing converting between fractions and decimals, but they’re also reinforcing other skills like comparing numbers and identifying prime and composite numbers.
What’s great about this activity is its flexibility. For example, you can tape the cards up around the room, which allows students to choose the order in which they complete them. This adds a layer of choice and autonomy to their learning. Or you can play it more like a traditional game. The first student to correctly fill in their grid and unscramble the secret word is declared the winner.
Converting Fractions to Decimals Dice Game

When it’s time to inject some energy into math lessons, especially when we’re working on converting fractions to decimals, I bring out Decimal Dice. This is a game that’s become a classroom favorite. This game turns what could be a routine practice session into a competitive challenge that students get into.
Students pair up or form small groups, each with four dice. They roll the dice and pair them to create fractions. They convert those fractions into their decimal or whole-number equivalence. It’s similar to Yahtzee but focuses on deepening their understanding of fractions and decimals.
If a student rolls a 1, 2, 4, and 6, they could pair the 1 with the 2 to get 1/2. Then that converts to 0.5. They pair the 4 with the 6 to get 4/6, which converts to 0.66. The sum of the dice used to create each fraction becomes their score for that turn. Students can reroll any or all of the dice up to two more times.
Students quickly realize that some fraction combinations give them higher scores, so they think critically about which dice to pair. This strategy helps reinforce the concept that different fractions can represent the same decimal. This is a key idea in converting fractions to decimals.
If a player can’t create a new target number, they can take the sum and add that to an “Extra Chance” column. This gives them one last opportunity to rack up points. The player with the highest final score at the end wins.
If you want more details or ideas on using this game, check out my post on fraction-decimal practice games. It’s a great resource to help you get the most out of Decimal Dice and other similar activities.
Additional Resources to Explore
Looking for more information on fractions or decimals? Make sure to take some time to explore the resources below!
- Teaching Fractions with the Ultimate Fraction Toolkit
- The Best Ways to Teach Multiplying Decimals
- Adding and Subtracting Decimals
Make Converting Fractions to Decimals Approachable for Your Students
I hope these resources have given you some fresh ideas to make converting fractions to decimals more approachable for your students. I’ve found that breaking down the concept, adding a bit of fun, and using hands-on activities helps to demystify the process and build confidence. The goal is to make learning feel accessible and enjoyable. This way, your students can tackle fractions and decimals positively. Whether you’re rolling the dice, coloring by number, or diving into task cards, there’s a tool here that can turn those math roadblocks into stepping stones. Here’s to making math less intimidating and much more fun!
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