Bingo – an oldie but goodie, especially when paired with solving algebraic equations!
This post is from my old blog (and adjusted some:-), sharing how I used this algebraic equations activity (bingo) in my 6th grade math class.
Even in middle school, math students have a great time with bingo!
We’ve used the algebraic equations bingo activity:
- To practice and review for an upcoming test and
- To revisit the concept of solving equations before we tackled solving equations with fractions and decimals. (For a resource that addresses solving equations with decimals, check out the Footloose Task Cards.)
Algebraic Equations Bingo Details
The Algebraic Equations Bingo set has 11 different bingo cards (printable sheets).
Students solve the one-step equations found on their cards before we play, so they know what numbers they’re listening for instead of scrambling to figure out answers once we start calling numbers.
When I use this activity, I don’t laminate the cards, because I like the fact that students can solve and write their answers right on the cards. This makes the numbers a bit easier for students to find when I call them.
- However, if you have good dry erase markers so students can solve on the cards and then completely erase the ink, laminating would be great for reusing every year – it would definitely cut down on the copying!
Playing This Equations Bingo
They do a great job of solving the equations as quickly and quietly as possible, so we can get down to playing.
- It typically takes students about 15 minutes to solve the problems (that’s for all students to finish, though some finish in a much shorter period of time), and then we play for another 15-20 minutes.
- Some students like to use chips to mark their numbers, while others prefer to use highlighters, which work just as well (unless they make a mistake – chips are easier to just move off the board).
- Those who use highlighters use a different color highlighter if we play a second round.
One thing I like about having only 11 different cards is that more than one student gets a particular card.
- This means that if one student wins, two or three should win, if they have all done their work correctly and paid attention. This allows for more winners and also helps me to notice if we are “missing” winners.
I tend to keep calling numbers until we have lots of winners:-)Fun times!
Do you use bingo with your middle school math students?
If you’re looking for more algebraic equations activities, check out the Algebraic Equations ‘I Have, Who Has’ blog post!