Math Wheels for Note-taking?

Online Math Activities for the Middle School Math Class

Do your middle school math students love using online math activities and games?
Do you love digital math activities and resources that are easy to use AND have great quality  questions?
If your answers were ‘yes,’ then the online math activities on my site are perfect for you and your middle school math students!
Find out how you can engage your students in online math activities they will love

As more and more teachers and students are using the online math activities and games on my site, I’ve received several commonly asked questions. So I’m dedicating this post to answer them and make these Q & As readily available for anyone who has the same questions, but hasn’t asked:-)

Evolution of the Online Math Activities Site

I’ll share some quick background about the site before we get into the Q & As:

  • August 2019: The site began with an online math activities page on my previous site. 
    • It started out with 14 Truth or Dare math games for only members to use. 
  • August 2020: I migrated the activities to a stand-alone math activities site.
  • 2019 – present
    • I’ve added several free activities for anyone to use. I’ve also added many new member activities (there are about 50 games and activities as of Aug 2022).
    • I added ‘upgraded’ versions of the free activities to the member section (I added question banks and more exercises to them, so students don’t get the same questions each time).
      • So, while it may look like the ‘same’ activity on both the Free and Member pages, the activities aren’t quite the same. 
  • August 2021: Membership was opened on my Thinkific site, where I was able to offer a yearly OR monthly membership plan.

On to the FAQs:

FAQs About the Online Math Site

Answer: This document gives an overview of the current activities. It provides the:
  • content covered
  • types of questions
  • number of questions in the question banks

Answer: For the Truth or Dare games: Yes. The logic in designing the Truth or Dares was pretty intense and can’t be quickly changed to offer different questions each time.
For all other member activities: NO. All the other member activities will pull from question banks, so while a student may get one or two repeat questions when they play multiple times, the entire set of questions they see will be a bit different each time.
For free activities: yes

Answer: As many students as you want.

  • Students use a password to access each activity and there’s no limit to the number of students who can access at the same time.
  • None of the teachers who’ve used the site have reported issues with using the password/logging in.

Answer:  Teachers are using the activities for:

  • Math centers 
  • Choice time
  • Fast finisher 
  • Math enrichment activities
  • In-class, whole-group activities
  • Independent math practice 
  • Online/distance learning

Answer: Both parents and tutors have been using the online math activities to provide extra practice and reinforcement for students at home.

Answer: Yes!  Each activity has its own link, so you can assign an activity by adding the link to your assignment in Google Classroom.

Answer: No. Students can go directly to the site and log in.

Answer: All of the digital math activities show results in some form.
  • For example, the Truth or Dare games have an “Answer Sheet” (shown below).
  • Many of the other activities show students’ points on the main screen
  • Some show the point totals on an ending results screen.
  • Others show results by color, like the absolute value activity shown below (green for correct, red for incorrect).
  • Regardless of where the results are shown in the activity, students need to take a screenshot of their results page to send to you (or upload into Google Classroom, or another LMS you may be using.)


* The Truth or Dare games do have a Print button on the Answer Sheet, so if you’re in the classroom and students can access a printer, they could print their results.

Answer: Membership Access can be purchased on
I hope you’ll share these online math activities with your students (or your children, if you’re homeschooling). You can try the FREE activities here.
If you still have questions, you can head to the resource description on TPT or the information page on this site or you can email me –
Online middle school math activities


Welcome to Cognitive Cardio Math! I’m Ellie, a wife, mom, grandma, and dog ‘mom,’ and I’ve spent just about my whole life in school! With nearly 30 years in education, I’ve taught:

  • All subject areas in 4th and 5th grades
  • Math, ELA, and science in 6th grade (middle school)

I’ve been creating resources for teachers since 2012 and have worked in the elearning industry for about five years as well!

If you’re looking for ideas and resources to help you teach math (and a little ELA), I can help you out!



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Select to see on TPT
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Select to see on TPT
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truth or dare math games
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Click the image to access the free wheel and wheel templates

Engage students in taking math notes with this FREE Fraction Operations wheel and 3 wheel templates!