Math Wheels for Note-taking?

Interactive Math Notebooks in Middle School Math


Fold it Ups “Book” for 6th Grade Math

I love using interactive notebooks in my 6th grade math class, and I feel so excited when I find a new way to help students organize their resources/materials.I wanted to share that I’m so glad I decided to bind my “Fold it Ups” into an interactive math notebook “book” this year!

It has been incredibly handy so far – helpful to students in keeping their Fold it Ups organized, and helpful to me because it definitely saves time!

In previous years, we’d staple or glue the Fold It Ups into spiral notebooks or try to keep them in pockets. This certainly is an improvement…I’m so excited about how it’s working out!

Why Bind the Interactive Math Notebook Pages?



  • I only have about 40 minutes for math class, so there isn’t much extra time for passing out and creating the Fold It Ups and then securing them into a notebook.
  • Having them bound requires students to simply take out their books and get started…and this does save time!
  • Many of the Fold it Ups only require cutting and folding, which can be done right in the book. We don’t have to then take time to staple or glue into a notebook, and that can save a LOT of time. (There ARE some that have to be glued in, but using the book this way has reduced the amount of time for gluing overall.)
  • For example, the Properties Fold it Up pictured here gets cut at the bottom and then the tabs are folded up. The page is already attached in the book, so students don’t have to figure out the best way to staple it or glue it into a notebook.

2) Easy reference for math topics
Once the math Fold It Ups are completed, they stay in the interactive notebook for the students to keep with them all the time.

​Students can use them as a reference when doing their in-class practice work or homework and will be able to refer to them throughout the year.

3) Easy to add additional math notes
I included lined pages for notes in between the Fold It Ups for additional topics, examples, etc., so students can keep all notes in this math notebook.


I’m sure you have other tips for using interactive notebooks in math class.

Feel free to add some tips in the comments!

See the interactive math notebook on TPT.

Learn about more ways to make the most of your 40-minute math classes in this blog post.


Welcome to Cognitive Cardio Math! I’m Ellie, a wife, mom, grandma, and dog ‘mom,’ and I’ve spent just about my whole life in school! With nearly 30 years in education, I’ve taught:

  • All subject areas in 4th and 5th grades
  • Math, ELA, and science in 6th grade (middle school)

I’ve been creating resources for teachers since 2012 and have worked in the elearning industry for about five years as well!

If you’re looking for ideas and resources to help you teach math (and a little ELA), I can help you out!



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Engage students in taking math notes with this FREE Fraction Operations wheel and 3 wheel templates!